Hi, I'm Sam

I'm currently an MBA student at the Northwestern Kellogg School of Management.

My background:

  • Originally from Terre Haute, Indiana
  • Graduated from Notre Dame in 2019 where I studied finance (for a job) and theatre (for fun)
  • Joined GCM Grosvenor in Chicago as an investment analyst in 2019
  • Wrote my first line of code in January 2020
  • Joined the Northwestern University Investment Office in 2021 to cover venture capital allocations
  • Left the endowment in July 2024 to enroll at Kellogg
  • Currently working towards becoming a technical product manager

Things I enjoy:

  • Tech, finance, and the intersection of the two
  • Settlers of Catan
  • Any opportunity to watch football - college or NFL
  • Politics